

went to moms yesterday and did laundry.
she bought me french fries and cheese for dinner. what a great lady. jade and kody came over and regg was in a bad mood but he tried to straighten my hair. weekdays are so boring and lonely. i just want chris to move back so i can cook someone dinner. i decided that my christmas presents are going to be artwork... so tell me what you'd like so i can get started.



cathmom said...

i loved having you at my house, weedie. you showed me how to wear my touque (thanks to my canadian friends for the spelling). and then you took my picture in my new j.crew pants that couldnt stop happy dancing to xavier. i need a sweet place to hang out and we can make some chile rellenos. but yeah, i wish chris was in town, too.

Lovely Lindsay said...

i am loving these lately. simple colors. and the clouds. loving the clouds. and the paint that puffs up. www.kelcan.etsy.com
for christmas i want a cd of your cover songs! loved that list of yours over at pink card nation.
love, lin