It was hard work. The hardest thing ever, probably. I know I could not have done it without Zach by my side. He never left me, and he was everything. I moved from the tub, to the bed, to the birth stool, and back to the tub a lot. I was even lucky enough to have Holly stop by to give me a labor massage and some kind and loving support. My grandmother even made it in time to see Olive be born.
There were a lot of times that I thought "I don't think I can do this." But then that contraction would end, and I'd find whatever strength there was inside of me to press on to the next.
Olive made her way into this world at 6:04 PM as the sun was setting right in the living room of our home. All 6 lbs 7 oz of her. I needed every single person that attended my birth. They were all instrumental in giving me the confidence to have my baby at home. It was hard work, it was beautiful, it was perfect.
Olive is more than we could have ever dreamed of. She's feisty like her mama and tender like her papa. We love her infinitely and can't imagine a world without her in it.
Thank you Anndrea and Jade for taking such lovely photos.